The Postman Always Rings.. or not

I ordered Eyepet the other day for PlayStation3 from It’s a virtual pet type thing -for the kids. For Christmas you understand. I know it’s too damn early for that, but it was 30euros including the camera …55 euros locally. No competition. I figured it’ll only get harder/ more expensive as time draws nigh, so best grab it while it’s there at a good price.

Also, with the postal strike in Britain I wasn’t sure if it’d be delayed (I’m not in Britain, but I didn’t know where it might come from you see), so I wasn’t being totally silly.

Anyway, I ordered on Tuesday last week. The kids were off school for the week for mid-term break. Thursday morning I was in the shower when I half-heard my young boy (4) shouting through the door.
I switched off and asked him to repeat what he said…

“Y’know that pet thing we saw for the PS3 on the telly last night!? …IT’S HERE! IT REALLY IS! THE POSTMAN GAVE IT TO US!” He jumped up and down with the slightly-open box in his excited little arms.

I read him the riot act of course …”Capital offence to open someone else’s post -you know you can go to jail for it,” etc. before later coming back with an explanation…
They (he and his sister) knew my friend was in hospital. I told them he asked me to get Eyepet for his nephew’s birthday because he couldn’t. Suitably chastened by their misdeed my kids were happy to buy that line. Phew! šŸ™‚

Despite my anger I was kind of half-proud at the boy’s ingenuity in getting the package open just enough to make out what it was. His sister (8) is adamant she had nothing to do with it (apart from pointing instructions no doubt).

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